IT Skill Builder – 10th June

  • 10th June 2022, 10:00 to 11:30
  • Online

Can you do the basics in Word but would like to do a little more,  maybe insert a table and add data to it, create folders, save your work into them, and be able to find it again?

How about adding an image or changing the margins, what about using indents to make your documents more professional – then this may be the course for you.

Learn to create a spreadsheet where you can sort and filter data, know what BODMAS is and how to use it. What is the IF function?

In PowerPoint what is a transition? How can I group a set of images together so they move as one?

We will learn about these issues, how to solve them and more.

Join this supportive and encouraging group today!

Friday 10th June – Friday 1st July

Book this event below:

Name: IT Skill Builder - 10th June

SKU: IT Skill Builder - 10th June