Stafford Work Club (Monday)

  • 28th January 2019, 10:00 to 12:00
  • Stafford Library

Our Work Clubs your one-stop-shop for FREE help and support with:
• Benefits advice & support
• Budgeting skills
• Housing advice
• Debt advice
• Career coaching and personal development plans
• Computer and internet access for job searching
• Interview techniques and employability skills
• Access to volunteering and work placement opportunities
• Confidence building sessions
• Access to local adult and community learning courses

Building Better Opportunities – Stafford & South Staffordshire is a jointly funded project by the Big Lottery Fund and European Social Fund (ESF), aimed at supporting unemployed people aged 18+ living in Stafford and South Staffordshire.

Call Rob on 07792 2410 088 to book an appointment with one of our team or drop-in to see us on Mondays, 10am-12pm at Stafford Library.

Start changing your life today!