What is social inclusion? General

To fully explore the term ‘social inclusion,’ it is first important to understand ‘social exclusion’. Social exclusion refers to certain situations where individuals aren’t recognised, heard or taken into account within their societies and communities.

Social exclusion can occur for a number of reasons. Some of which include factors that affect a person’s (or group of people’s) social or economic circumstances. These factors often prevent communities or individuals from participating fully in society. Examples of these factors are unemployment, age, ill health, poor housing, and financial hardship.

Social inclusion, then, is the opposite of this. It is positive action taken to change these limiting factors and enable individuals and communities to participate fully in society.

How To Promote Social Inclusion

There are 2 key elements required to promote social inclusion effectively. These are:

  • Helping socially excluded individuals and communities overcome the inequalities they face.
  • Promoting equality of opportunities and eliminating discrimination.

At its core, promoting social inclusion means building inclusive societies that offer equal opportunities to individuals regardless of their circumstances.

These elements need to be included at both national, regional and local levels to be effective. Ways to do this can include:

  • Empowering communities and individuals by giving them a voice, and allowing them to express their opinions without fear of retribution;
  • Ensuring access to employment and the tools to participate in social life are readily available and accessible;
  • Ensuring easy access to basic services such as housing, employment, education, and health care;
  • Encouraging community participation in social, cultural or political events.

What are the effects of social exclusion?

Social exclusion can significantly affect a person’s mental health and well being, as well as their physical health. This can cause low self-esteem, isolation, mental health difficulties such as depression and anxiety, and increased levels of stress.

With these issues in mind it is important for communities and societies to take action in order to promote social inclusion and allow for everyone to become active participants within society.

Accessing New Opportunities With BBO

At Building Better Opportunities, we are committed to doing our part for the community and ensuring everyone has access to equal opportunities across the board. Financial hardship, unemployment, stress and health problems are all significant causes of physical and mental health problems. Therefore, we take great pride in supporting everyone who joins our programme without judgement.

If you feel you need some support and are looking to make changes in your life, then contact us. Our Advocates work in partnership with a number of initiatives across Stafford and South Staffordshire that are designed to support individuals in accessing the help and support they need to live happier, more balanced and fulfilled lives.