Power to Change
Power to Change
Our partner Staffordshire Women’s Aid deliver a 10 week self-esteem programme – Power to Change – for female participants of the Building Better Opportunities Stafford & South Staffordshire project.
About Power To Change
The Power to Change programme centres primarily on building self-esteem, confidence and self-determination. It focuses on general issues of self-worth, assertiveness and rights, and the difficulties many women face in feeling entitled to them.
Emma successfully progressed through the 10 week self-esteem programme, commenting: “Working with people on Power to Change reminded me how much I enjoy working as part of a team. I now know I have a lot to give.”
National research, and Staffordshire Women’s Aids own consultation with women, identify that a lack of confidence and self-esteem is often the biggest barrier to seeking training and employment. The Power to Change programme will provide women with increased confidence, and help them to develop the skills needed to confront the challenges which often prevent them from taking up training and employment through encouraging positive aspirations.
Training, volunteering and employment opportunities are at the core of the Building Better Opportunities programme. It’s through volunteering and employment that many participants have reduced their isolation and improved their confidence. One such lady that has progressed in to employment is Hannah. Hannah commented: “I can’t describe how good it feels to finally have a job and earn my own money, I am no longer on benefits. I feel so proud!”
However getting to the same point as Hannah is not easy, that’s why Staffordshire Women’s Aid have their dedicated Power to Change programme and their very own Building Better Opportunities Advocate, Dawn, to support you every step of the way.
“I find it hard to believe the change in how I feel. I am confident and motivated now. Really enjoying volunteering. My depression has lifted and I feel genuinely happy for the first time in a very long time.” added Jenny.
Are you ready for the Power to Change? Our next Power to Change course starts on Tuesday 2nd April, to book click here.